Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) is an autonomous body established under the Nepal Health Professional Council Act 2053. The aim of this council is to register all the “Health professionals” other than Medical doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and Ayurveda according to their qualification; and bring them into a legal system as to make their services effective with quality and timely in a scientific manner.
Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) is stating to take license examination since 2077 BS. It was believing to control the education quality in many health professionals. Especially, it was considered important for optometry fertility. NHPC stared to take exam since 2020 AD.
Mero Eye is a foundation of registered eye health professions especially optometrists collaborated for philanthropic work. The foundation advocates worldwide primarily for the academic upliftment of the ophthalmic fraternity. It is strongly focused to provide quality education in a most-cost effective way from the experts all over the work.
Mero Eye has been conducting entrance preparation classes continuously for the past 5 years. It is the founding organization to begin the optometry entrance preparation classes in Nepal. Also, it has launched its entrance preparation book for bachelor’s level in the year 2075 B.S. which have benefited a lot of aspiring students to date. On top of these, it has a huge virtual library with a massive number of recorded sessions in different sub-specialities of optometry from experts all over the world. Striving to bring together experts’ experiences and energy of juvenile eye care practitioners to create a sustainable impact on eye care and the public, it has been conducting several programs for the optometry fraternity to date.
Mero Eye has now come up with an ‘Optometry Licensing Exam Classes’ to strengthen the preparation of the optometry graduates who are willing to appear for the license examination by NHPC. These classes will facilitate the optometry graduates will quick guidance from the senior optometrists along with a provision of tips and tricks to crack the MCQs. Besides, Question-Answer Discussion (QAD) classes will be conducted to increase student’s focus, interest, and engagement which will, in turn, yield a positive result in the upcoming licensing examination.
What you should know before NHPC exam: click me
What are the requrements to give NHPC exam: Click me
What is NOC and how we can get NOC: Click me
How you can do equvalent to your degree in Nepal: click me
What is the cirriculum for bachelor in Optometry NHPC exam: click me
Exam Format
- Single best response type with MCQs
- Four options (A,B,C & D)
- 100 Questions
- Recall:Understanding:Application=30:50:20
- Hours Allocated: 2 hours
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