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Know about Community

  1. School screening program: –

Vision problem affects 13.5 million children and almost a quarter of adolescents overall 12-17% of children are reported to have eye vision problems. Poor vision in children affects performance in school or at work and has a definite negative influence on the future of the child.

School screening for vision in children is very essential and needs to be made mandatory, which can help children who may be struggling with few vision conditions like strabismus, headache, convergence defects, blurred vision and accommodation defects all these need vision screening.

A comprehensive eye screening program is needed to find out this condition in the early stages and to do the needed management. Detection of refractive errors is essential to prevent amblyopia in children at the same time efforts must be made to provide and replace the spectacles to these needy children. The screening needs to be done every year since most of the refractive errors manifest after 10- 12 years of age.

  1. Eye Camps: –

In the context of Nepal, the ophthalmic health facilities are in developing conditions. The people in rural areas are bounded to live their daily life in the blurred and dark world due to a lack of minor treatment and managements which can restore their vision within an hour. The main objective of organizing eye camps is to create awareness among people and to provide primary care to the affected ones. Eye camps help to differentiate the affected ones from the total population.

An eye camp is important because there are people who are often not aware of the available treatments to them and are unable also to reach out to hospitals because of both lack of transportation and poverty. We all know that Nepal’s population is spread across great distances so the eye camps are the most effective way to reach out to these people. To support these organizations in their initiatives, many people come forward every year and participate in their programs and even bear the cost of the treatment of people. There are a lot of people who are getting treated and referred for more specific consultation through these eye camps.

Types of camps organized:

Eye camps are generally of two types.

  • Surgical camps:

In surgical camps, the prime emphasis is on surgery. For e.g.: mass cataract surgery camps.

  • Comprehensive eye screening camps

Comprehensive eye care camps are concerned with the primary eye care approach providing several types of services for many ocular or systemic conditions that lead to visual disability or blindness if left untreated. For e.g.:

  • Diabetic retinopathy screening
  • School screening
  • Refractive error screening
  • Glaucoma screening
  • Squint Screening and many more.
  1. Digital Strain Awareness:

Computer vision syndrome also referred to as digital strain, is an array of various eye and vision problems that can occur after repeated, long-term exposure to digital screens. The patient suffering from the digital strain may face symptoms like eye soreness, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, neck and shoulder pain.

Digital strain has become a leading problem among the population of younger generations, but only a few of them are aware of this. A recent study which was done among medical students about digital strain has also shown that being in the medical field only a few percentages of students were aware of computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain.

So, the awareness program about digital strain is a must in order to prevent computer vision syndrome from happening, or at least to prevent it from getting worse. The awareness program must include the general information about CVS, it’s symptoms and the steps or adjustments (Lighting adjustment, Workspace adjustment) needed to overcome it.

  1. Telemedicine

In the context of health services, Nepal is still developing, but due to poor infrastructures, no roadways and difficult landscapes make the development of medical services in rural areas even more crucial. So, in this situation telemedicine is a great way to connect the rural side of the world to the advanced part. Telemedicine allows health care professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients at a distance using telecommunications technology. The approach has been through a striking evolution in the last decade and it is becoming an increasingly important part of the healthcare infrastructure. Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications and software to provide clinical services to patients without an in-person visit. Telemedicine technology is frequently used for follow-up visits, management of chronic conditions, medication management, specialist consultation and a host of other clinical services that can be provided remotely via secure video and audio connections.